Package production

To guarantee long, trouble-free use of our packages, we need to ensure that they are of the highest quality from the design and construction stages.

  • Package design.

At the design stage, the key is to arrange the cells in such a way that, while maintaining the assumed shape and dimensions of the package, the connections between the cells are as short and simple as possible.

  • Cell selection.

The cells are selected depending on a number of factors such as the desired capacity, the amount of space available, the maximum and continuous load current of the pack.

Since even cells from the best manufacturers, coming from the same series, often differ in parameters, we test each cell used in the package. We do this by measuring the internal resistance of the cell and checking its voltage. The cells are divided into groups with as similar parameters as possible. We only use cells with virtually identical parameters to build the package

Cell selection

  • Preparing the package for welding.

Before welding is performed, the cells are placed in a special holder, and additional washers are glued in the areas most vulnerable to possible damage to the insulation shrouds.

Preparation for welding

  • Welding is done with a pneumatically controlled link welder, using a two-phase process that involves a pre-weld followed by a basic weld. The entire process is controlled by an advanced microprocessor controller, ensuring the selection of many process parameters.

Packet welding

  • After the package is welded, the cells are additionally insulated, and then the package is folded into its target shape.

Insulating the cells

Package ready for testing

  • The package thus prepared is subjected to preliminary electrical tests, voltage differences and internal resistance are measured. After the test is counted, the safety electronics are connected, the package goes into the case and is ready for use.

Testing the package